Sunday 8 February 2015

Staying on track, when those around you aren't!

Honestly, I hear this a lot! "It's so hard when my partner doesn't want to eat healthy" Or "people are always offering me junk food" or "we out a lot" and don't get me wrong it takes a VERY strong person to say NO!

But finding the willpower to say no can be extremely rewarding. A feeling of accomplishment, a feeling of satisfaction and a feeling of being in control. Food does not have to control your life and the sooner you develop a healthy relationship with food the sooner you will create a healthy relationship with those around you. 

I used to have the mindset of "I'd better have some now or I might miss out" it was such an unhealthy way to live! I'd have to finish that bag of chips or that block of chocolate. I couldn't just have a little bit and put it away. I guess you could say I suffered from Binge eating. 

Binge eating affects so many people, and its not just the moment you stuff your face with a ton of bad foods and sit back and wonder WTF did you just do, but its the feelings of guilt that follow, the feelings of worthlessness and not being good enough and it develops into a vicious cycle which would bring on the next binge.

But anyway, I might re-visit binge eating another time as I really believe it needs to be talked about some more. Tonight I want to talk about sticking to a healthy meal plan when those around you are not, especially people who live in the same house as you. For example husbands, Wives, Boyfriends, Girlfriends, Parents, Siblings, Housemates etc! 

It doesn't have to be hard, my partner and I eat almost then exact same meals I just might modify each meal slightly. For example, when I cook a stir fry I will cook him up some rice to have with his but I will just eat mine without rice. Or when we have burgers I will just eat mine with salad rather than having them in bread. Same goes for BBQ's, I will just have salad with my meat rather than bread. I still cook Spaghetti on the occasion, but I will have mine with a product called Slim Pasta (not sure if its available worldwide) but its made from a vegetable and is a great Low Cal substitute for Pasta.
For lunch during the working week, I still pack him a sandwich, 2 pieces of fruit and a muesli bar. For me I pack a salad, protein shake (with almond milk) and fruit. 

Once you get loved ones on board, it does become a lot easier. And although my partner is extremely supportive of the Paleo Lifestyle, He is French; So is very fond of bread, pastries and dairy!! So I cant hardly blame him, its in his genes!

Other tips for not giving in to temptation when your loved ones come home with unhealthy food:

  • Have healthy snacks ready to go for you to eat instead.
  • Am I really hungry? Am I hungry enough to eat an Apple? Yes? Then eat an apple. 
  • Try distract yourself while they are eating "said food" Cleaning, go for a walk, do some gardening, have a shower, go read a book in another room etc
  •  If you are still having a hard time saying no, maybe kindly ask your loved ones to try not bring these types of food into the house. Even just for a few months until you get your head around it. Besides, its not like you can avoid bad foods forever. They are all around us. 
 Well I hope this can help at least ONE person, and then Id be happy. If you have any suggestions or questions please leave a comment below!

Follow me on instagram: miss_diabetic_dumbbells

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